What Comes in The Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Bag
I remember how excited I was to learn that you can get a free welcome bag if you have an Amazon baby registry! Once I started putting my registry together I was overwhelmed with all of the options and research I needed to do. Plus, the cost! So any free items would definitely help. In this post, I’ll share what came in my Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Bag!

The Amazon baby registry welcome bag is worth $35 and includes a mix of full-size and sample-size items. It also includes a few random coupons. Below, I’m recapping each item in this bag, how you can get the welcome bag for yourself, and whether I think it’s worth it!

Full Sized Items
- Amazon Essentials Gender Neutral Onesie
- Amazing Baby Newborn Muslin Swaddle
- Dr. Brown Anti-Colic Bottle
- MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic + Start Pacifier

Sample Sized Items & Coupons
- Baby Ddrops Organic Teething Liquid Drops
- Lansinoh Nursing Pad & Breastmilk Storage Bag
- Cerave Moisturizing Lotion
- $200 Off Factor Meal Delivery
- 50% off Shutterfly plus 10 free birth announcements

How to Get the Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Bag
- Have an active Amazon Prime membership
- Create a baby registry with Amazon
- Add 10 products to your registry,
- Spend $10 on registry purchases (either by you or a gifter)
- Visit the dedicated page within the Benefits section of your registry to claim your box, once you’ve met the eligibility criteria.
- TO CREATE A REGISTRY: Search “baby registry” in the search box.
Is this box worth it?
Amazon gives you the option to purchase this bag for $30 or get it for free with a registry. If you purchased it it’s not worth it. If it was free with your registry then yes, it is worth it but it’s underwhelming compared to the Babylist & Target options. I was reading some reviews and other people received different items than me- some bags had way more goodies! One commenter said they contacted Amazon customer service and exchanged their bag for a new one that had more items. If you get a dud bag, you may try that.
If you’re trying to decide between Target, Babylist, or Amazon I would definitely choose Target and Babylist… Or just do all 3!
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